Editor and Writer Joshua TRILIEGI shares Insights on creating " They Call It The City of Angels " A New Serial Novel Project

The Editor and Publisher of BUREAU of ARTS and CULTURE
Announces a New Experimental Serial Novel about Los Angeles.

Mr Triliegi will write a chapter a day for the next few weeks and
post the results in various languages at the three blog spots that
regularly showcase Art, Theater, Music and Community events.

" I thought it would be a good writing exercise to simply write
about what I see and hear everyday on the streets of the city.
To simply create a chapter a day based on the people and things
going on in Los Angeles. Since we all come from so many back-
grounds, styles, cultures and languages, I decided to structure
the multi character novel to represent all of Los Angeles. I simply
write a chapter a day by allowing the characters to unfold & the
story to reveal itself based directly on the things I see and hear."

" Its pure fiction based on generalities. For instance, Chapter
Three, which was inspired by a girl I saw on the bus earlier in
the day, she had a sketch book with some nice artworks and I
thought about her." Or Chapter One, based on a conversation
I had with a guy who was entering back into society from a
long stretch in the penitentiary. I thought about what other
people in his life may have been thinking."

" Its a challenge to simply introduce a character and follow the
creative line as it flows into something structured and complete.
I usually know the beginning and the end of each Chapter, and
simply let the middle fill itself out. I like the daily discipline as
well as the audience being in on the process. In this particular
case, I don't really take notes. I just start with an idea and let
it flow. This is not a normal novel by any means, but it is a new
and interesting challenge for both the writer and the readers.
Were publishing it in three cities and a wide variety of languages,
English, Italian, French, Chinese, Armenian, Chinese, Hebrew,
Japanese & Korean so far. Its been a lot of fun I hope the people
of Los Angeles and the world will follow it out as it reveals itself.
As the writer, in this particular case, I am just as curious as the
reader as to what will happen and how things will go. The cool
thing about this project is how quickly the characters began to
take on a life of their own. "

" Its an interesting way to work. I am putting together several
other writing projects and decided that this would be a good
warmer upper. We get anywhere from a 50 to 400+ views a
day on our website for our Articles, Reviews and especially
our Audio Interviews, so this particular literature project should
be good exercise and at the same time, allow people to see how
a novel is actually created day by day."

Thank You,
Editor - in - Chief



LA : www.BUREAUofARTSandCULTURELosAngeles.blogspot.com
BAY AREA : www.BUREAUofARTSandCULTURESF.blogspot.com
NEW YORK : www.BUREAUofARTSandCULTURENY.blogspot.com

Joshua Aaron TRILIEGI 1282 W. Sunset Bd Los Angeles
California USA 90026 Phone Direct : 213 975 0067